A Collection of Eocene and Oligocene Fossils
compiled by Alan Morton
- Marc Augé, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, for assistance with lizard identifications.
- Murray Barber for help with collecting.
- Björn Berning, Upper Austrian Provincial Museums, for assistance with bryozoan identifications.
- James Black for supplying some images of London Clay fossils.
- Adrian Brokenshire for assistance with mollusc identifications.
- Adie Butler for supplying some images of vertebrates from the Isle of Wight.
- Liam Byrne for supplying some images.
- Ray Chapman for supplying some of the Barton specimens.
- Chris Cole for supplying many of the Bracklesham vertebrate specimens.
- Andy Gale, Professor in Geology at the University of Portsmouth, for information about Isle of Wight geology and palaeoecology.
- Edward Gange for supplying some of the London Clay specimens.
- Ian Giles for supplying some images and for assistance with identification of reptiles.
- Bill and Billy Gordon for supplying some images of London Clay fossils.
- Sam Harris for supplying a large proportion of the images of London Clay Vertebrates.
- Kristiaan Hoedemakers, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, for assistance with identification of fish otoliths.
- Jerry Hooker, Scientific Associate, Department of Palaeontology at the Natural History Museum, for assistance with identification of mammals.
- Martyn Hornett, for contributing some Bouldnor Formation vertebrates images.
- Alexey Ippolitov, Victoria University of Wellington, for assistance with identification of serpulid worm tubes.
- Edmund Jarzembowski, Visiting Professor - Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Scientific Associate, Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, for assistance with identification of the insects.
- Paul Jeffery, for assistance with identification of molluscs and for encouragement during the early days of the website.
- Dietrich Kadolsky, for assistance with identification of molluscs.
- David Kemp, former Keeper of Geology at the Gosport Museum, for assistance with identification of some of the vertebrate fossils.
- Jacques Le Renard, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, for assistance with identifications.
- David Lewis, former Collections Manager - Arthropods, Department of Palaeontology at the Natural History Museum, for assistance with identification of echinoderms.
- Didier Merle, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, for assistance with the naming of the Muricids.
- Greteli Morton, Helen Morton and Andy Morton for help with collecting.
- Martin Munt, Manager and Curator of Dinosaur isle Museum, Isle of Wight, for assistance with identifications and for encouragement during the early days of the website.
- Chris Newman for supplying some of the Bracklesham and Barton images.
- David Orman for supplying some of the Barton images.
- Luca Pedriali for help with the naming of naticid molluscs.
- Bill Pocock for supplying some mollusc images.
- Richard Preece, Reader in Quaternary Malacology at Cambridge University Museum of Zoology, for assistance with identification of the land molluscs.
- John Quayle for assistance with identification of the Crustacea and for supplying many of the Crustacean specimens.
- Francis Rayner for supplying some of the Hordle specimens.
- Adrian Rundle for assistance with identifications and for supplying some specimens for imaging.
- Adrian Smith for supplying many of the Barton specimens.
- Gordon Stone for assistance with identifications and for supplying some of the Barton specimens.
- Malcolm Symonds for assistance with identification of the Neritidae and for supplying some material and images.
- David Taylor for supplying some images of Bracklesham Beds fossils from the New Forest.
- Paul Taylor, Bryozoan Researcher, Department of Earth Sciences at the Natural History Museum, for assistance with identifications.
- Jonathan Todd, Senior Curator of Benthic Molluscs, Department of Earth Sciences at the Natural History Museum, for assistance with mollusc identifications.
- Steve Tracey, ICZN Secretariat, Natural History Museum, London, for assistance with mollusc identifications and for supplying some images and many specimens for imaging.
- Theo Vickers, for supplying some Bouldnor Formation vertebrates images.
- Gary Walker for supplying some images of London Clay crabs.
- David Ward, for assistance with identification of some of the fish remains.
- Tom Wells for supplying some images of London Clay Vertebrates.
- Andy Yule for supplying some of the Bembridge Marls Insect Limestone images.
- Nick Zachariades for assistance with mollusc identifications, supplying some images, and for helpful comments about the Website.
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