A Collection of Eocene and Oligocene Fossils
compiled by Alan Morton
Publications relevant to the identification of fossils on this Website
(This is not intended as a full bibliography, but a list of some of the most useful publications.)
- Bell, T.J. (1858) A Monograph of the fossil malacostracous Crustacea of Great Britain. Part I. Crustacea of the London Clay. Palaeontographical Society, London.
- Bone, Anne & David (1985) Fossils from Bracklesham to Selsey. Chichester District Council & D.A. Bone. ISBN 0 903970 06 6
- Brander, Gustavo (1766) Fossilia Hantoniensia collecta, et in Musaeo Brittanico deposita. London.
- Burton, Ernest St. John (1933) Faunal Horizons of the Barton Beds in Hampshire. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association.
- Chapman, Ray (2004) Fossils of the Barton Beds. The Dorset Geologists' Association Group. ISBN 0 9544354 1 9
- Cossmann, M. & Pissarro, G. (1904-1906) Iconographie complète des coquilles fossiles de l'Éocène des environs de Paris. 1: Pélécypodes. Paris
- Cossmann, M. & Pissarro, G. (1907-1913) Iconographie complète des coquilles fossiles de l'Éocène des environs de Paris. 2: Scaphopodes, Gastropodes, Brachiopodes, Céphalopodes & Supplément. Paris
- Davies, A. Morley (1971) Tertiary Faunas. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London. ISBN 0 04 560003 1
- Dixon, Frederic (1850) The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex. London.
- Edwards, Frederic E. & Wood, Searles V. (1849-1877) A Monograph of the Eocene Cephalopoda and Univalves of England. Volume I. Palaeontographical Society, London.
- Forbes, Edward (1856) On the Tertiary fluvio-marine formation of the Isle of Wight. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology.
- Forbes, Edward (1852) Echinodermata of the British Tertiaries. Palaeontographical Society, London.
- Gale, Andrew Scott (2020) Acorn barnacles (Crustacea, Thoracica, Balanomorpha) from the Eocene and Oligocene of the Isle of Wight and Hampshire
(United Kingdom) and Manche, northern France.
Acta Geologica Polonica.
- Gale, Andy (2019) The Isle of Wight. Geologists' Association Guide No. 60. ISBN 978 0900717 96 3
- Haskins, C.W. (1968-1971) Tertiary Ostracoda from the Isle of Wight and Barton, Hampshire. Parts 1 - 7. Revue de Micropaléontologie, V. 10 - 14, Paris.
- Hooker, Jerry J. (2021) The Mammals of the Late Eocene – Early Oligocene Solent Group. Part 1, Introduction and Euarchonta: Nyctitheriidae. (Contains detailed stratigraphy of the Solent Group deposits.) Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society, 175:659, 1-265, DOI: 10.1080/02693445.2021.1928440.
- Insole, A.N. & Daley, B. (1985) A revision of the lithostratigraphical nomenclature of the late Eocene and early Oligocene strata of the Hampshire Basin, southern England. Tertiary Research, 7, 67-100.
- Jeffery, Paul & Tracey, Steve (1997) The Early Eocene London Clay Formation mollusc fauna of the former Bursledon Brickworks, Lower Swanwick, Hampshire. Tertiary Research, 17 (3-4), 75-137.
- Kemp, David; Kemp, Liz & Ward, David (1990) An Illustrated Guide to the British Middle Eocene Vertebrates. David Ward, London.
- King, C. (2016) A Revised Correlation of Tertiary Rocks in the British Isles and Adjacent Areas of NW Europe. (Geological Society Special Report No. 27. Eds. Gale, A. S. & Barry, T. L.) ISBN: 978-1-86239-728-6.
- Lewis, David (2017) Fossil sea urchins from the Middle Eocene of Barton. Deposits Magazine.
- Lewis, David (1989) Fossil Echinoidea from the Barton Beds (Eocene, Bartonian) of the type locality at Barton-on-Sea in the Hampshire Basin, England. Tertiary Research, 11 (1), 1-47.
- Lowry, J.W. (1866) Chart of the Characteristic British Tertiary Fossils, Stratigraphically Arranged. Tennant & Stanford, London.
- Munt, Martin C. (2014) Mollusca from the Insect Limestone (Bembridge Marls Member: Bouldnor Formation: Solent Group), Palaeogene, Isle of Wight, southern England. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 104, 263–274.
- Munt, Martin C. & Barker, Michael J. (1996) Some micromorphic gastropods from the Corbula beds, Cranmore Member (Solent Group, Early Oligocene) of the Isle of Wight, southern England. Tertiary Research, 17 (1-2), 27-32.
- Murray, J.W. & Wright, C.A. (1974) Palaeogene Foraminiferida and Palaeoecology, Hampshire and Paris Basins and the English Channel. Special Papers in Palaeontology Number 14, The Palaeontological Association, London.
- Newton, Richard Bullen (1891) Systematic List of the Frederick E. Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural History). British Museum (Natural History), London.
- Nolf, Dirk (2013) The Diversity of Fish Otoliths, Past and Present. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
- Osborne White, H.J. (1990;1921) A Short Account of The Geology of the Isle of Wight. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. HMSO, London.
- Owen, R. & Bell, T. (1849-1880) Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the London Clay and of the Bracklesham and other Tertiary Beds. Palaeontographical Society, London.
- Quayle, W.J. & Collins, J.S.H. (1981) New Eocene crabs from the Hampshire Basin. Palaeontology, 24, 733-758.
- Rasmussen, H. Weinberg (1972) Lower Tertiary Crinoidea, Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea from Northern Europe and Greenland. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Biologiske Skrifter, 19, 7, 1-83.
- Rayner, David; Mitchell, Tony; Rayner, Martin & Clouter, Fred (2009) London Clay Fossils of Kent and Essex. Medway Fossil and Mineral Society, Rochester. ISBN 978-0-9538243-1-1
- Reid, Clement & Strahan, Aubrey (1889) The Geology of the Isle of Wight. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. England and Wales. HM Stationery Office, London.
- Sanders, Tony & Cooper, John (1977) Illustrated Guide to Barton Fossils.
- Stinton, F.C. (1975-1984) Fish Otoliths from the English Eocene. Palaeontographical Society, London.
- Stinton, F.C. (1971) Easter Field Meeting in the Isle of Wight. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 82, 403-410.
- Symonds, Malcolm (2015) New species of Neritidae (Gastropoda, Neritimorpha) from
the Solent Group (late Eocene and early Oligocene) of the
Hampshire Basin. Cainozoic Research, 15 (1-2), 147-153.
- Symonds, Malcolm & Tracey, Steve (2014) Neritilia (Gastropoda, Neritopsina, Neritiliidae): pushing back the timeline. Cainozoic Research, 14 (1), 3-7.
- Symonds, Malcolm (2009) The Neritopsidae and the Neritidae of the Bracklesham Group (Early and Middle Eocene) of the Hampshire Basin. Cainozoic Research, 6 (1-2), 37-51.
- Symonds, Malcolm (2006) The Neritidae of the Solent Group (Late Eocene and Early Oligocene) of the Hampshire Basin. Cainozoic Research, 4 (1-2), 27-39.
- Symonds, Malcolm (2002) The Neritidae of the Barton Group (Middle Eocene) of the Hampshire Basin. Tertiary Research, 21 (1-4), 1-10.
- Taylor, David C. (2023) The Palaeontology and Geology of Shepherds Gutter near Bramshaw in the New Forest. Published by the Author. ISBN 978-1-905912-89-6
- Todd, Jonathan & Parfitt, Simon (Eds.) (2017) British Cenozoic Fossils. Sixth Edition. Natural History Museum, London). ISBN 978 0 565 09305 1
- Tracey, Steve (1996) Molluscs of the Selsey Formation (Middle Eocene): Conoidea, Turrinae. Tertiary Research, 16, 55-95.
- Tracey, Steve, Todd, Jonathan A., Le Renard, Jacques, King, Chris & Goodchild, Mike (1996) Distribution of Mollusca in units S1 to S9 of the Selsey Formation (middle Lutetian), Selsey Peninsula, West Sussex. Tertiary Research, 16, 97-139.
- Tracey, Steve (1992) A review of the Early Eocene molluscs of Bognor Regis (Hampshire Basin), England. Tertiary Research, 13 (2-3), 155-175.
- Tremlett, W.E. (1953) English Eocene and Oligocene Veneridae, 1-2. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 30, 1-21, 55-71.
- Wood, Searles V. (1861-1871) A Monograph of the Eocene Bivalves of England. Volume I. Palaeontographical Society, London.
- Wrigley, Arthur (1925-1953) Extensive series of papers about English Eocene and Oligocene Gastropoda. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 16-30.
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